Cody portrait

Cody portrait

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Staying In Liverpool 6 More Weeks

Hello! (Pics below)

Sorry for the delay, I forgot to tell you about transfers happening this week!

We now have a new Elder here in Liverpool. Elder Eggers replaced Elder Fawcett. Elder Eggers is from Sacramento, CA and came out in the group with me. He, like Elder Fawcett, is called to speak Chinese. He is already fitting in great.

But yes, we are still a threesome here in Tuebrook. But it seems not for long. President has made it known that next transfer he wants Chinese together without English speaking. This is because now the younger Chinese speaking Elders have grown up and can now take charge.

But enough of that news...Its apparently six months now that I have been out, but who's counting? It blows my mind that is has been that long, and I love it. The transfers have started to get quicker and quicker even though I'm doing my best to think they are taking longer. I can say I have learned A LOT over these past months from wonderful missionaries. But I must say the most learning has come from studying the scriptures and learning from my investigators. The one hour we have every morning is such a blessing. But nevertheless, there is a lot I need to improve upon, so onward.

This past week and a half has been GREAT. We have picked up many new investigators that have been solid. With the new influx of students it has been our own "Super-Bowl." We had to put on our game-face and go to work, and from that have seen miracles!

We have picked up a SOLID Chinese investigator named "Du-Xin".  He already calls himself "a new member." What a stud. He then invited 3 of his Chinese friends to be taught, and so we did! And without a doubt they were amazing. They are all coming to church this Sunday. We are stoked.

We also had quite a miracle happen. We as a companionship felt a prompting to go and tract a street near downtown. While tracting, no one seemed interested. As Elder Fawcett and Jin talked to a man at a door, I talked to two teenagers named Nathan and Darren that walked past on the side-walk. At first, like most chavs (see below for definition) they mocked what I was saying. But then, I don't know what it was but something caught their attention, well, one of them. So he said, "Come over in 5 mate," so we did, and we had an incredible lesson. They both took a 180 and were fascinated with the Restoration.

We then went back the next day and watched the video. And again they just loved it. And then again yesterday, we went back and taught the Plan of Salvation. When we walked in we noticed they had hung up our pass-a-long card, and Restoration pamphlet. I loved it!  They changed so much! And now have been texting us "Thanks for coming today" each time and are excited for church this Sunday!

I know that is no coincidence. We were led to teach them. It’s something that is very real! Such a blessing to see that miracle come about...

In my reading of the Book of Mormon this week I have been going through the latter part of Alma. Captain Moroni (aka my favorite) was a prime example of preparation. He prepared his army with all sorts of armor. But my favorite type of preparation given was one of putting trust in the Lord. Moroni was a great leader, a man of leadership. But he did not forget God. He understood that without faith, they would defeat no one.

It is something I am trying to represent in my mission. I want to prepare myself for what is to come in the future. I as well want to prepare my investigators for a strong conversion to the church.

To sum everything up the work has EXPLODED here and it is a very exciting time with Chinese speaking missionaries here. Seems this will be my last transfer here, but I sure will enjoy it! Lots of laughs and hard work. I'm loving it!

Something funny this past week was the Liverpool Football match. Since the stadium is a five minute walk from our flat, all roads around us were packed! We stick out in the flood of red scousers marching to the stadium. And so we take advantage talking to people around there. My "power statement" has been "Do you support Liverpool?" They say "Of course!"... Then I say, "Well we are sharing a message that brings you happiness even when Liverpool loses." They all say it’s impossible. Haha. But we will get one of them soon! I hear Liverpool isn't doing so hot so I guess it might work out for us!

I love you all

Elder Eliason

Cody's Word of the Week

Chavs are said to be aggressive teenagers, of working class background, who repeatedly engage in anti-social behaviour, rowdiness, or other forms of juvenile delinquency.

Our new companion Elder Eggers, from Sacramento.

My district!

Cody's new friends...

Downtown Liverpool

Downtown Liverpool

Who do you support? Of course, Liverpool!

University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool

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