Cody portrait

Cody portrait

Monday, January 24, 2011

Chinese Students are Back, Interview with President, Time for Pushups

Hiya, Hiya!

What a week here in Scouse Land (another term for Liverpool). We had our first Interviews in awhile, and it was great to sit down with President. We went over my goals for the 2011 year and talked about our "trio" companionship. He kept explaining, "You"ll be telling your kids one day about how you served with the first mainland China Elder in the England Manchester Mission." He's right. I might just name my first child after him: Jin Eliason. Beautiful! just rolls off the tongue.

I can't remember if I told you or not, but Elder Jin has been walking around on crutches the past two weeks. He has a bad sprain, but we are hopeful to get him back to full capacity soon.

Meanwhile, I have taken the role of the one who tries to stall all the Chinese students at the University.  I run them down and say "Ne-hoa!" and then some half-Chinese words to confuse them long enough for the main man, Elder Jin, who then hobbles in and sets up an appointment. That's companionship unity right there.
Good news is the university is back in full this week! Ne-hoa Chinese students!

Speaking of internationality (if that's a word) we taught a group of three from Iran this week. All but one spoke English. So we had to draw pictures and have the Farcay/English one translate for us. It was the greatest thing! I had no idea I would be meeting and teaching people from such places like Iran, and Iraq (last week). They are the nicest people in the world. And they love American accents. It's hilarious. "Mel Gibson, Mel Gibson!" is what they say. So funny...

We had one man come to church yesterday. His name is Luke. He is only 18 but is much more mature than your average 18 year old.. We have taught him twice and look forward to seeing him throughout the week. It is exciting to get someone who will progress!

We will be following up with a lot of people this week now that finals are over. Could be a huge week, very excited.

President Bullock gave us a great training this past week. And he touched on what now is one of my favorite scriptures; Mathew 10:32. I would paraphrase but it's just not as good. "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father which is in heaven."

It is such a powerful scripture that has provoked a lot of thought on my part. I must be the one to testify of Him. Not by just bearing testimony of Him, but as Mosiah 18:9 states, "Stand as a witness of God at all times."  We don't just simply "confess" His name by testimony, we confess His name by following His gospel, and by being the living witness in all that we do.

I'm grateful for this time that I have to serve the Lord!

Elder Eliason.

P.S. I got a huge laugh at the card you sent. As you can see below, I am putting it to good use!

Cody looking at his "Before" picture as he does a pushup. The INSIDE STORY to this picture: During our Christmas Skype call, his brother Dallin asked him if his "Perfect Pushups" were collecting dust. With regret in his voice he admitted that  he has lost a lot of his "buffness" but is recommitting himself for 2011. To help motivate him, we sent him a card with his "Before" mission picture. Looks like it's working.

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