Cody portrait

Cody portrait

Monday, January 17, 2011

Loving It In Liverpool!

Hello All! (pics included below)

How is everyone!? I cannot believe it is already halfway through January!

But it has been a good week here in Liverpool. After seeing so much success with "new investigators" last week, we didn't expect to be finding much this week. Turns out these two weeks are "Exams" for the University. And we all know how important education is to the Chinese people. So as of now, we have a list of about 15 people to call after exams are over. Looking forward to it.

With that in mind we had a lot of time to focus around other parts of Liverpool. We ran into a man named Luke a couple of days ago, and set up an appointment.. Last night we were able to teach him in the park behind our house. He was so great. He accepted a baptismal date and is willing to meet with us four times a week. Excited for him.

Even with the exams going on we still tried tracting down by the University for a little bit on Wednesday. We met a Chinese girl named Angela. She said she couldn't meet with us until February, but we were persistent and after answering a question about prayer, let us teach her. It was a funny experience. She said she understood English, so I participated in the lesson. However, after I would speak she would just look at Elder Jin and wait for an explanation. I loved it.

Regarding the English class we have turned our preparation over to our "Marketing Committee" -- our recent Chinese converts!  They are in the process of coming up with advertisements to hang around campus. They as well have been inviting all of their friends and have been getting good feedback. It's exciting! We are looking to start it up at the beginning of February!

One thing I was able to study about this week was the atonement. As I did I was amazed about how much the Book of Mormon referrers to it. I am grateful for the Book of Mormon, for being "another testament of Jesus Christ". I have become fascinated with the information I find. I get caught in cross-referencing again and again, and I love how I can go back and forth from the Bible to the Book of Mormon. The word of God will never cease and I am grateful for what that has brought into my life.

I know the Book of Mormon is true, and from that I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the entire world. I know that he knows each of us perfectly. He knows what we are going through. I know we need his help, I need his help. I have come to realize that more and more. But I know as I follow him, and his chosen servants with faith I will receive the greatest fulfillment and joy. Joy the "world" cannot give.

This week we will be having interviews with President Bullock and I am excited to pick his brain.


Elder Eliason

The Trio - Elder Fawcett, me and Elder Jin

Our beautiful abode...

Studying in the morning...gotta love it!

Elder Sanders from Cedar City!

On exchange with District Leader Elder Moses and Elder Jin

With Ward Mission Leader Brother Robinson from Wythenshawe area. Cody Skyped us on Christmas Day from his home. Thank you Brother Robinson! Cody calls him a "Great, great man."

Here's Martin! He was baptized last week!

James, a recent convert from  Wythenshawe area.

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