Cody portrait

Cody portrait

Monday, January 24, 2011

Chinese Students are Back, Interview with President, Time for Pushups

Hiya, Hiya!

What a week here in Scouse Land (another term for Liverpool). We had our first Interviews in awhile, and it was great to sit down with President. We went over my goals for the 2011 year and talked about our "trio" companionship. He kept explaining, "You"ll be telling your kids one day about how you served with the first mainland China Elder in the England Manchester Mission." He's right. I might just name my first child after him: Jin Eliason. Beautiful! just rolls off the tongue.

I can't remember if I told you or not, but Elder Jin has been walking around on crutches the past two weeks. He has a bad sprain, but we are hopeful to get him back to full capacity soon.

Meanwhile, I have taken the role of the one who tries to stall all the Chinese students at the University.  I run them down and say "Ne-hoa!" and then some half-Chinese words to confuse them long enough for the main man, Elder Jin, who then hobbles in and sets up an appointment. That's companionship unity right there.
Good news is the university is back in full this week! Ne-hoa Chinese students!

Speaking of internationality (if that's a word) we taught a group of three from Iran this week. All but one spoke English. So we had to draw pictures and have the Farcay/English one translate for us. It was the greatest thing! I had no idea I would be meeting and teaching people from such places like Iran, and Iraq (last week). They are the nicest people in the world. And they love American accents. It's hilarious. "Mel Gibson, Mel Gibson!" is what they say. So funny...

We had one man come to church yesterday. His name is Luke. He is only 18 but is much more mature than your average 18 year old.. We have taught him twice and look forward to seeing him throughout the week. It is exciting to get someone who will progress!

We will be following up with a lot of people this week now that finals are over. Could be a huge week, very excited.

President Bullock gave us a great training this past week. And he touched on what now is one of my favorite scriptures; Mathew 10:32. I would paraphrase but it's just not as good. "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father which is in heaven."

It is such a powerful scripture that has provoked a lot of thought on my part. I must be the one to testify of Him. Not by just bearing testimony of Him, but as Mosiah 18:9 states, "Stand as a witness of God at all times."  We don't just simply "confess" His name by testimony, we confess His name by following His gospel, and by being the living witness in all that we do.

I'm grateful for this time that I have to serve the Lord!

Elder Eliason.

P.S. I got a huge laugh at the card you sent. As you can see below, I am putting it to good use!

Cody looking at his "Before" picture as he does a pushup. The INSIDE STORY to this picture: During our Christmas Skype call, his brother Dallin asked him if his "Perfect Pushups" were collecting dust. With regret in his voice he admitted that  he has lost a lot of his "buffness" but is recommitting himself for 2011. To help motivate him, we sent him a card with his "Before" mission picture. Looks like it's working.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Letter from President Bullock On January Zone Conference

Dear Parents,

We held a special zone conference the first week in January where we talked about Captain Moroni’s Title of Liberty and how that stood as a standard to the world. We also talked about how a standard is a declaration of who we are, what we believe and what we stand for. As part of the conference, we had each of the missionaries write their own title or standard representing these very things. Prior to that, we gave them quiet time to ponder and pray to prepare for what they wanted to write and declare. Then each of them had the opportunity to stand in front of the conference and explain their title and why they wrote what they did. It was a moving and special event and described by many of the missionaries as a sacred experience in their life. 

Attached you will find two pictures of your missionary with their district; one picture as they were writing their standard and the second one as they were completed. We thought you might enjoy seeing these pictures and sharing in the experience.

The mission is doing well because we have obedient, faithful and diligent missionaries. We love them and it is truly an honor and blessing to serve with them.

Warm regards,

President and Sister Bullock
England Manchester Mission

Monday, January 17, 2011

Loving It In Liverpool!

Hello All! (pics included below)

How is everyone!? I cannot believe it is already halfway through January!

But it has been a good week here in Liverpool. After seeing so much success with "new investigators" last week, we didn't expect to be finding much this week. Turns out these two weeks are "Exams" for the University. And we all know how important education is to the Chinese people. So as of now, we have a list of about 15 people to call after exams are over. Looking forward to it.

With that in mind we had a lot of time to focus around other parts of Liverpool. We ran into a man named Luke a couple of days ago, and set up an appointment.. Last night we were able to teach him in the park behind our house. He was so great. He accepted a baptismal date and is willing to meet with us four times a week. Excited for him.

Even with the exams going on we still tried tracting down by the University for a little bit on Wednesday. We met a Chinese girl named Angela. She said she couldn't meet with us until February, but we were persistent and after answering a question about prayer, let us teach her. It was a funny experience. She said she understood English, so I participated in the lesson. However, after I would speak she would just look at Elder Jin and wait for an explanation. I loved it.

Regarding the English class we have turned our preparation over to our "Marketing Committee" -- our recent Chinese converts!  They are in the process of coming up with advertisements to hang around campus. They as well have been inviting all of their friends and have been getting good feedback. It's exciting! We are looking to start it up at the beginning of February!

One thing I was able to study about this week was the atonement. As I did I was amazed about how much the Book of Mormon referrers to it. I am grateful for the Book of Mormon, for being "another testament of Jesus Christ". I have become fascinated with the information I find. I get caught in cross-referencing again and again, and I love how I can go back and forth from the Bible to the Book of Mormon. The word of God will never cease and I am grateful for what that has brought into my life.

I know the Book of Mormon is true, and from that I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the entire world. I know that he knows each of us perfectly. He knows what we are going through. I know we need his help, I need his help. I have come to realize that more and more. But I know as I follow him, and his chosen servants with faith I will receive the greatest fulfillment and joy. Joy the "world" cannot give.

This week we will be having interviews with President Bullock and I am excited to pick his brain.


Elder Eliason

The Trio - Elder Fawcett, me and Elder Jin

Our beautiful abode...

Studying in the morning...gotta love it!

Elder Sanders from Cedar City!

On exchange with District Leader Elder Moses and Elder Jin

With Ward Mission Leader Brother Robinson from Wythenshawe area. Cody Skyped us on Christmas Day from his home. Thank you Brother Robinson! Cody calls him a "Great, great man."

Here's Martin! He was baptized last week!

James, a recent convert from  Wythenshawe area.

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Title of Liberty: REMEMBER

Hello Hello!

I love the pictures! Reminds me of the snow days we had with Murphy and Chipper back in the day.... Murphy- R.I.P.

This week has been so great!  It seems everyone in Liverpool wants to talk to us, and the result has been 11 new investigators this past week. So blessed! Half of them were Chinese people so I didnt say much.. Only "Jerdoa, Jerdoa"..."True, True"..haha. But I love it!  The Chinese are so kind!

This past Zone Conference was amazing. We each had an hour to reflect and come up with our own "Title of Liberty." Each missionary got to stand on the pulpit  and "proclaim" and explain what they had written.

Mine was one of Remembrance. I listed things that I will always REMEMBER: chRist, covEnants, faMily, priEsthood, testiMony, Blessings, Emm (England Manchester Mission), and press foRward.

I did this for two reasons: myself, and those that see me. I want them to know that I remember each of these things and will continue to remember them. I remembered the word "REMEMBER" from Heritage Tours and went with it. In the story of the title of the liberty, Moroni did what he did because the people were "quick to forget the Lord their God." So I made my statement as one that I will remember always the steps I have taken in my life, and what means the most to me. And to lastly "press forward," to continue to grow, learn and become!

After that we had a great success of having one of our investigators (Lynn) to come to church! I don't know If I told you but we found her here on the street right out front of the Liverpool stadium! Crazy Area! But she loved church!

We are preparing to set up our own English Class at the university!  Elder Jinn, Fawcett and I have been working on a flyer for free language lessons to Chinese students. President Bullock gave us the idea and go-ahead so we have been getting exited for what that could become!

In my study this week I have learned a lot about "Conversion." Ammon, through the spirit converted the Lamanites to a level that "they never did fall away." That is what my goal is here! Not to just baptize but to lead and guide to get to the temple! Conversion isn't complete without the Temple!

I’m grateful for all of you!

I miss you all!

Elder Eliason

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Xing-Foo! (Happiness)


Hiya Hiya again from Tuebrook, Liverpoooool.

First off, I'm sorry I wasn’t clear last letter about my situation
here in Liverpool! About 7 months ago the mission started receiving
Chinese speaking missionaries to attend to the influx of Chinese
students in Liverpool, Manchester, Preston and Gueweren. 

Recently there has been a lot of success with the Chinese people so we have been
blessed with even more Chinese speakers. One of them being Elder
Fawcett my new companion.  But because they don’t fully have Chinese
down, the need for Elder Jin (from mainland China) is here to help them
learn, and help through lessons with the Chinese people. That is why we are
now in a threesome. And we will continue to be throughout the
transfer. President Bullock is working on trying to get Elder Jin to
become a senior companion, but that comes with him learning more
English. So until that happens he will continue to be in a three-some.

Elder Moss in Preston has even more responsibility. He is in a
foursome, training a missionary from Taiwan and being the senior
companion to two other Americans learning Chinese.

But it is a very exciting time. The mission is changing and it is so
great to be apart of it!

There have been 7 Chinese baptisms here in Liverpool in the past 6
months. And we will do our best to keep that coming!

I have to say the people are nicer here in Liverpool. A lot more
people want to speak with you. They also have a completely different
accent than those in Manchester. It crazy to know you can travel 30 minutes
anywhere in England and get a different accent. I love it!

But this past week has been straight work. As of right now we have no solid
investigators so we have been finding, finding, finding! Unfortunately
we haven’t been able to go up to the university because school is
still out for the holidays, so our focus has been the streets of
Liverpool. A couple of days ago Elder Fawcett picked a street to
tract and we headed over to it on a bus. The whole time we traveled
I talked to a woman and wasn’t able to pay much attention to where we
were headed.

As soon as I stepped of the bus...BOOM, there was Liverpool's Football
stadium. And I mean directly in front. It was like getting
off a bus in Arlington, and be standing at the front gates of The
Ballpark. It's just funny how things work here in England. They have
a professional football team's stadium in the middle of a normal
neighbourhood. No parking lot, no nothing. Just a stadium.

Because of the "Bank Holiday" yesterday we had to cut P-Day two hours
short, so that we could e-mail today. That proved to work out well
for us, in that we were able to teach 3 lessons and find 4 new
investigators! That’s the most I've had in one day. Two of which
were Chinese: Wong, and Chen. Elder Jin and Elder Fawcett taught the
entire lesson; I sat there and smiled saying only one
word.."Xing-foo"(happiness) every once in a while. But it was the
coolest experience to see how the gospel is taught to all---In all

I love spreading this message with others! It’s sad to see everyday
people telling me that there is no God, that it’s all fake. I wish
they knew what I know. That there is a prophet and 12 apostles on the
earth today! I wish they knew how much peace and comfort that comes
from prayer and simply studying scriptures. I know this from
experience. I have received answers to prayers and I continue to
feel the influence and direction of the spirit in my life! It keeps me

I love being a missionary, and I sure do love these English, and now
Chinese people!


Elder Eliason